
Coats has this trade sewn up

One of the most striking developments in the next few years is likely to be its gains from applying artificial intelligence

The Times

The world’s largest thread and sewing materials company is about to be run by a chief executive with little or no experience of that industry. But the newcomer at Coats, David Paja, was head of the GKN Aerospace arm of Melrose Industries — motto “design, deliver, improve”, a touch more prosaic than Coats’s guidelines, “innovation, sustainability and digital”.

Melrose prides itself on “a relentless focus on profitable, sustainable and cash-generative growth” and, while Coats has not been badly managed, these are likely to be on Paja’s immediate to-do list, rather than choosing this season’s must-have shade of thread.

Although most people rarely think of it in these terms, Coats’s products have for years been a staple of fashionable brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, H&M,